I'm...in pain seems my stamoch want to blow right now..

(ala2 cian nyer sy)
I really want to go to... jumper dukun perut..

(xtau plak dukun nie omputeh)
My favorite place... atas kerusi depan laptop dekat umah yang dengan cuaca yang sejuk..

(nie la umah sy yg sejuk 2 hehehe)
My favorite thing... lappy..

(sebenar nyer ader lg gamba laptop yg len tp aku saje gatal amik gamba nie..saje gatal bkn gatal)
My favorite drink... air tembikai..

(lebih sudu dr kuah..tp nie lebih buah dari air)
My favorite food... nasi campur..

(enak di makan begitu saja)
My favorite colour...biru air laut..

I live in... shah alam...

I was born in... hospital besar seremban..

My school/college... uitm dihatiku..

My favorite story... prison break and House M.D..

(Dr. House tulung sy)
My hobby...P.C game...

I wish.. give all the love in this world...

(sharing is caring)
Akira Hida
cik lemon
one love in two heart
GOOGLE TAG RULES: The rules are simple. Use Google Image to search the answers to the questions below. Then you must choose a picture in the first page of the results (Gambar dekat first page jer tau..jgn ngelat2 amik page 2,3,4....), and post it as your answer. After that tag 6 people.
adehh..aku kurg phm~pe s0klan nye??n nk search camne?
senang jer..soklan dier yg aku dh bold kan..jadi ko just type kat google jawapan yg ko nk..pas2,tekan kat search image..image yg kat page 1 jer ko leh gune tuk tag nie..means pilih mane2 gamba janji kat page 1 jer..jangan nganda2 kat page 2 atau selebih nyer plak hehee
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