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Malaysia maju tp mentality masyarakat melayu masih rendah..tu la pandangan yg org kite kate kan suatu mase kini, jgn kate la..semua cibuk pasal pekare dan ideology politik nyer..yg memandai pn ader..konon nk ckp tp xtau ape2..ader satu pihak yg beria-ria blame kerajaan dan ader satu pihak beria-ria sokong pro-kerajaan..smpi claim yg kerajaan punyer effective n efficient nyer mcm kite negare maju..alamak, ape hal dier nie ckp pasal pengurusan dan care pentadbiran dlm struktur kerajaan bkn politik..xkisah la parti ape pn yg memerintah..yg pasti nyer sekarang nie memang perhidmatan yg goverment bg byk ader masalah..ngan birokari nyer..korupsi nyer..tanyer jer la kawan2 aku yg belaja same2 kat kedah..kitorg belaja advantages dan disadvatages dlm sesuatu pekare dlm pentadbiran financial nyer..development managementnyer..kitorg di ajar agar memajukan dan mengurangkan birokrasi..tak luper tuk meng-effective dan meng-efficient kan lg pentadbiran..smpikan idea tuk mengubah kelemahan yg ader pn kene canggah..kunun dh cukup bek dan cukup biar benak nie..cukup ker takat nie jer atau btul ker dh perfect nie..penat jer la lecture kami mengajar mcm nie..klu mcm 2 xder la development dlm institusi kerajaan smpi idea tuk menambah baikan pn di tolak bulat2..nie la susah nyer nk ckp ngan org yg xtau ape pas2 nk memandai xpasal2..atau buleh kate terlalu pro kan sesuatu..senang cite mcm nie jer la..klu ikut kan civil servant nie xleh la active dlm politik..secare am nyer..ini ader la teori separation of power..kenape tidak?sbb nk memasti kan transparentcy dlm pelaksanaan policy..contoh nyer..seorg pihak berkuase aktif dlm politik..amik contoh dier 2 polis(tu jer yg terpikir skrg)..polis yg nak menangkap pencuri..tetibe pencuri itu ader la seorg ahli politik yg same aktif dgn dier..mesti dier xnk tangkap org 2..walaupn policy menangkap org jahat ader di kluarkan oleh kerajaan sedia ader..tu la sbb nyer kitorg belaja teori seperation of power..cube bygkan la..klu semua civil servant kat Malaysia nie di benarkan aktif dlm politik..pas2 diorg nie semua aktif dlm parti Jingga..xpasal2 parti Ungu telah di pilih oleh rakyat tuk memerintah..dh 2 xkn nk buang semua civil servant yg ader..klu diorg still kat dlm department atau agency kerajaan nk ker diorg nie menjalankan tugas dan implement policy yg dikluarkan oleh kerajaan yg baru..klu diorg still keje lg mesti ckp2 dier nie ari 2 aktif btul berpolitik dlm parti Jingga smpi umah dier pn dh jadi markas..alih2 dier keje jgk bawah parti Ungu..sbb kan nie la etika nyer civil servant xleh la aktif berpolitik..rakyat yg bt pilihan sape yg nk jadi pemimpin..pas2 pemimpin yg kluar kan policy..civil servant bt jer la keje dan implementation policy 2..senang org bg keje bt jer..aku arap org akan lebih paham tentang pekare nie..jgn salah anggap org keje kat agency atau department goverment 2 org parti politik yg memerintah atau menganggap department atau agency goverment 2 adelah same dgn parti politik..klu bertukar pn parti memerintah xder nyer ilang department2 dan agency2 kerjaan 2..contoh nyer,xkn la selepas parti Ungu memerintah tetibe jer Kementerian Pendidikan dh xder lg(kementerian dan menteri len yer karang ader gak yg sengal xtau)..bingggung ape..yg sebenarnyer org yg mengerakkan dan mengeluarkan policy iaitu pemimpin adalah org politik yg di pilih oleh rakyat sendiri..sbb tu rakyat ader hak tuk memilih pemimpin yg terbaik agar mengeluarkan policy yg terbaik tuk mereka..jadi kuase ditgn anda tuk mengundi..yg melaksane kan ader la civil servant..xder nyer Pemimpin tu sorg2 nk bt kire2 tuk bt budget negare..xder nyer pemimpin tu sorg yg nk tulis dan susun fail pembelian barang2 sesuatu departmenat atau agency kerajaan..civil servant la yg bt ikut perancangan dan policy mereka..yg implement kan pn diorg jgk..aku arap jelas la dan paham la..maybe,sesetengah org 2 just nk tunjukkan yg dier pro sgt sesuatu pihak tp jgn la memandai..cube paham kan dulu goverment 2 ape atau aku rase diorg nie xder usaha nk pahamkan..atau org 2 belaja dr melihat pada civil servant yg kite ader yg dh xikut etika nyer lg..
[01] Real name: Mohd Azmir
[02] Nickname: Rimza.
[03] Married: dalam i/c tulis single
[04] Zodiac Sign: yg ader gamba kale jenking
[05] Gender: lelaki.
[06] Age: 23 nk masuk 22
[07] High School: Paling tinggi Sekolah Teknik Brash Ipoh.(xtinggi mane pn 2 tingkat jer)
[08] College: UiTM Shah Alam
[09] Height: 182cm.
[10] Weight: xtau,diam tgh nek.
[11] Do you like yourself: ska suki
[12] Piercings: tidak akan.
[13] Right or left: kanan.
[14] Are you a freak : Peoples yg freak..aku yg biase..
[15] Hair: spike key tp layer kat ala-ala japanese tp org s.alam xpuas ati..skrg bt panjang belah tepi..pasnie nk bt gulung2..
[16] Skin: xcerah,xmendung..
[17] Allergic: makanan laut dan allergic ngan daging b**i.
[18] What are you doing now: kelaparan.
[19] What will you doing 1 hour later: studi.
[20] What will you doing 10 years later: beli kelab bola eropah.
[21] Live with mother/father/parents: ibu dan bapa.
[22] Siblings(included you): five.
[23] Eldest: encik e-jam.
[24] Youngest: encik azim.
[25] Love/hate your family: from heart with love.
[26] You found your another half: dh smpi xcukup tgn dh.
[27] If yes, who is he/she: i do have privacy right.
[28] If no, who you want he/she to be: awek myspace Dj Nast T dlm cite GODA..
[29] Time(s) you in relationship: XX.
[30] Ever woo boy/girl(0-100000): ish,xder2..xder keje..
[31] Anyone woo you before(0-100000): lucah soklan nie..xnk jwp.
[32] Did anything wrong to your other half: slalu sgt.
[33] What was/were the wrong you had done: personal problem..xska la bincang open air.
[34] Ever argue with your other half: skit2 jer.
[35] You with your other half since: i dunno since when..suddenly,i just realize she was already in my heart..mcm mane dier leh masuk nie..rase nyer dh kunci pintu ati td.
[36] Are you straight/Lesbo: straight..lurus mcm bendul.
[37] Reasons you love your other half: xder reason..yg penting ikhlas dlm semua perbuatan.
[38] You and your other half in which stage: xpenah nek atas stage ngan dier..???
[39] You woo he/she or he/she woo you: kitorg islam la..xder woo..woo..nie..
[40] Ever think of marry he/she: perkahwinan adalah impian setiap pasangan bercinta....
[41] Your first best friend: kat cini xder kwn sekepale.
[42] Your first enemy: xder musuh2 rmi jer nk jd rival aku..ape kes..g men jauh2..
[43] The friends you love the most: kwn2 dekat umah,dak2 kat UiTM kedah,dak2 UIA..korg best.
[44] The enemy you hate the most(1only): aku xpenah benci2 org nie..walaupn ader yg pijak aku tuk lepas kan tengkok sendiri..biar la,nanti dpt la pengajaran 2..
[45] Your most beautiful girl friend: ckp dier cantik.
[46] Your most handsome boy friend: Amar tp dier rendang skit.
[47] The kind of girl you hate the most: yg ska mencarut2 xtentu pasal.
[48] The kind of boy you hate the most: yg tetibe jer nk carik pasal..pas2 tetibe jer nk musuh n rival..
[49] You fall in love with your close friend before: xpenah rase nyer.
[50] Your best friend is your ex-lover: xder la.
[51] If your friend backstabbing you: nanti ader la 2..what u give..u get back.
[52] If your friend betray you: hmm..
[53] If your friend woo your lover: hotak nyer soklan..berani la..nk mampos.
[54] If your friends fall in love with you: i can't stop peoples from loving me.
[55] If you fall in love with your best friend: 'ask her..if she say okay..then we couple'.
[56] Are you a good student: i think so..but life is not only just about one way.
[57] You always done your homeworks/assignments: slalu..slalu.
[58] The teacher/tutor you love the most: i love all my teacher..cikgu yg btul2 cikgu.
[59] Always late to school/college: kadang2.
[60] Your class: boring.
[61] You love your seniors: xjgk.
[62] Senior who you love the most: xder la.
[63] Your classmates good/bad: perangai pelik2..mcm bdk2 pn ader..dak2 kat Kedah lg best.
[64] Excellent result classmate: xtau la..pointer tinggi perangai cam bagus pn xgune gak.
[65] Laziest classmate: aku xtau..xambik kisah tepi kain org.
[66] Smart people: Saiful n Adom.
[67] Stupid people: yg xsedar diri..lg nk berlagak di pihak yg benar.
[68] Good looking people: Adom n Amar.
[69] Ugly people: xpenah tgk lg.
[70] Funny people: Senario.
[71] Cute people: someone yg pipi tembam.
[72] Bad people: org yg dengki dan penting kan diri.
[73] Honest people: always win.
[74] Acting people: xkene mane2.
[75] You are what kind of people: org kebanyakan.
[76] Lip or eyes:
[77] Hugs or kisses: kiss.
[78] Shorter or taller: taller.
[79] hesitant or spontaneous: spontant jer.
[80] Nice stomach or nice arms: stomach.
[81] Listener or talker: listener.
[82] Romantic or rich: rich.
[83] Good husband or Good Father: good husband will always be good father and vice versa.
[84] Age to get marry: lagi lima tahun tp skrg pn buleh hehehe.
[85] Numbers of kid(s): five.
[86] Career: CEO.
[87] Salary: rm5++++ and keatas.
[88] Retirement age: 50.
[89] Properties value: ber-billion2.
[90] Wishes: more prosperity and more happy.
kak anum, kayroll and L just for liza.
[01] Real name: Mohd Azmir
[02] Nickname: Rimza.
[03] Married: dalam i/c tulis single
[04] Zodiac Sign: yg ader gamba kale jenking
[05] Gender: lelaki.
[06] Age: 23 nk masuk 22
[07] High School: Paling tinggi Sekolah Teknik Brash Ipoh.(xtinggi mane pn 2 tingkat jer)
[08] College: UiTM Shah Alam
[09] Height: 182cm.
[10] Weight: xtau,diam tgh nek.
[11] Do you like yourself: ska suki
[12] Piercings: tidak akan.
[13] Right or left: kanan.
[14] Are you a freak : Peoples yg freak..aku yg biase..
[15] Hair: spike key tp layer kat ala-ala japanese tp org s.alam xpuas ati..skrg bt panjang belah tepi..pasnie nk bt gulung2..
[16] Skin: xcerah,xmendung..
[17] Allergic: makanan laut dan allergic ngan daging b**i.
[18] What are you doing now: kelaparan.
[19] What will you doing 1 hour later: studi.
[20] What will you doing 10 years later: beli kelab bola eropah.
[21] Live with mother/father/parents: ibu dan bapa.
[22] Siblings(included you): five.
[23] Eldest: encik e-jam.
[24] Youngest: encik azim.
[25] Love/hate your family: from heart with love.
[26] You found your another half: dh smpi xcukup tgn dh.
[27] If yes, who is he/she: i do have privacy right.
[28] If no, who you want he/she to be: awek myspace Dj Nast T dlm cite GODA..
[29] Time(s) you in relationship: XX.
[30] Ever woo boy/girl(0-100000): ish,xder2..xder keje..
[31] Anyone woo you before(0-100000): lucah soklan nie..xnk jwp.
[32] Did anything wrong to your other half: slalu sgt.
[33] What was/were the wrong you had done: personal problem..xska la bincang open air.
[34] Ever argue with your other half: skit2 jer.
[35] You with your other half since: i dunno since when..suddenly,i just realize she was already in my heart..mcm mane dier leh masuk nie..rase nyer dh kunci pintu ati td.
[36] Are you straight/Lesbo: straight..lurus mcm bendul.
[37] Reasons you love your other half: xder reason..yg penting ikhlas dlm semua perbuatan.
[38] You and your other half in which stage: xpenah nek atas stage ngan dier..???
[39] You woo he/she or he/she woo you: kitorg islam la..xder woo..woo..nie..
[40] Ever think of marry he/she: perkahwinan adalah impian setiap pasangan bercinta....
[41] Your first best friend: kat cini xder kwn sekepale.
[42] Your first enemy: xder musuh2 rmi jer nk jd rival aku..ape kes..g men jauh2..
[43] The friends you love the most: kwn2 dekat umah,dak2 kat UiTM kedah,dak2 UIA..korg best.
[44] The enemy you hate the most(1only): aku xpenah benci2 org nie..walaupn ader yg pijak aku tuk lepas kan tengkok sendiri..biar la,nanti dpt la pengajaran 2..
[45] Your most beautiful girl friend: ckp dier cantik.
[46] Your most handsome boy friend: Amar tp dier rendang skit.
[47] The kind of girl you hate the most: yg ska mencarut2 xtentu pasal.
[48] The kind of boy you hate the most: yg tetibe jer nk carik pasal..pas2 tetibe jer nk musuh n rival..
[49] You fall in love with your close friend before: xpenah rase nyer.
[50] Your best friend is your ex-lover: xder la.
[51] If your friend backstabbing you: nanti ader la 2..what u give..u get back.
[52] If your friend betray you: hmm..
[53] If your friend woo your lover: hotak nyer soklan..berani la..nk mampos.
[54] If your friends fall in love with you: i can't stop peoples from loving me.
[55] If you fall in love with your best friend: 'ask her..if she say okay..then we couple'.
[56] Are you a good student: i think so..but life is not only just about one way.
[57] You always done your homeworks/assignments: slalu..slalu.
[58] The teacher/tutor you love the most: i love all my teacher..cikgu yg btul2 cikgu.
[59] Always late to school/college: kadang2.
[60] Your class: boring.
[61] You love your seniors: xjgk.
[62] Senior who you love the most: xder la.
[63] Your classmates good/bad: perangai pelik2..mcm bdk2 pn ader..dak2 kat Kedah lg best.
[64] Excellent result classmate: xtau la..pointer tinggi perangai cam bagus pn xgune gak.
[65] Laziest classmate: aku xtau..xambik kisah tepi kain org.
[66] Smart people: Saiful n Adom.
[67] Stupid people: yg xsedar diri..lg nk berlagak di pihak yg benar.
[68] Good looking people: Adom n Amar.
[69] Ugly people: xpenah tgk lg.
[70] Funny people: Senario.
[71] Cute people: someone yg pipi tembam.
[72] Bad people: org yg dengki dan penting kan diri.
[73] Honest people: always win.
[74] Acting people: xkene mane2.
[75] You are what kind of people: org kebanyakan.
[76] Lip or eyes:
[77] Hugs or kisses: kiss.
[78] Shorter or taller: taller.
[79] hesitant or spontaneous: spontant jer.
[80] Nice stomach or nice arms: stomach.
[81] Listener or talker: listener.
[82] Romantic or rich: rich.
[83] Good husband or Good Father: good husband will always be good father and vice versa.
[84] Age to get marry: lagi lima tahun tp skrg pn buleh hehehe.
[85] Numbers of kid(s): five.
[86] Career: CEO.
[87] Salary: rm5++++ and keatas.
[88] Retirement age: 50.
[89] Properties value: ber-billion2.
[90] Wishes: more prosperity and more happy.
kak anum, kayroll and L just for liza.
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