You left me hanging from a thread we once swung from together
I’ve lick my wounds but I can’t ever see them getting better
Something’s gotta change
Things cannot stay the same
Her hair was pressed against her face, her eyes were red with anger
Enraged by things unsaid and empty beds and bad behavior
Something’s gotta change
It must be rearranged, oh
I’m sorry, I did not mean to hurt my little girl
It's beyond me, I cannot carry the weight of the heavy world
So goodnight, goodnight, goodnight, goodnight
Goodnight, goodnight, goodnight, goodnight
Goodnight, hope that things work out all right, yeah
The room was silent as we all tried so hard to remember
The way it feels to be alive
The day that he first met her
Something’s gotta change
Things cannot stay the same
You make me think of someone wonderful, but I can’t place her
I wake up every morning wishing one more time to face her
Something’s gotta change
It must be rearranged, oh
I’m sorry, I did not mean to hurt my little girl
It's beyond me, I cannot carry the weight of a heavy world
So goodnight, goodnight, goodnight, goodnight
Goodnight, goodnight, goodnight, goodnight
Goodnight, hope that things work out all right
So much to love
So much to learn
But I won’t be there to teach you, oh
I know I can be close
But I try my best to reach you
I’m so sorry, I did not mean to hurt my little girl
It's beyond me, I cannot carry the weight of a heavy world
So goodnight, goodnight, goodnight, goodnight
Goodnight, goodnight, goodnight, goodnight
Goodnight, goodnight, goodnight, goodnight
Goodnight, hope that things work out all right, yeah
Whoa, oh…
Maroon five - Goodnight Goodnight
Perkataan maaf tu la senang di lafazkan..kate sesetengah org bile agak bengang ngan kesalahan yg org lain yg telah dier akui..tetapi bukan semua maap di lafazkan atas name kesalahan..seperti di dalam lagu nie..kesalahan yg dilakukan ader la di sebabkan ketidak upayaan yg jauh di luar daya yg ada..lagu nie boleh di adaptasi dan diletakan pade sintuasi dikatekan mengenai..seorg bapa yg meminta maap kepade anak perempuan nyer..mungkin perceraian terpakse dipilih kerna tidak tahan dgn kehidupan rumah tangge mereka..lalu sedikit sebanyak memberi kesan ke atas anak kecil itu..
sukar kah mengaku kesalahan dan meminta maap yg kite lakukan..kesalahan yg kite lakukan..jawapan memang sukar bg sikap sesetangah org..trutame..malas la nk sebutkan golongan nie..amik contoh paling dekat..dlm management sesebuah organisasi nie..xyah bgtau la,bile cite mesti org tau nyer..bile kite merujuk atas permasalahan..dgn lantas nyer menyatakan bukan salah kami..ape??bkn dtg cini nk rujuk n bertanyer pasal hal nie cik/puan/tuan..bkn nk marah atau nk tau salah sape..nampak sgt byk bt salah dlm keje atau senang cite xbt keje..ngaku jer la..mengaku kesalahan..bkn ilang pn duit dlm poket 2..mcm mane lah diorg nie jage customer relation..ISO tu amik kat mane yer..
Orang ker...
kadang2,maap juge di lafazkan bkn atas kesalahan..tetapi ketidak upayaan..tekanan kehidupan..persekitaran kadang bt kan kite letih dan x larat tuk maju ngan beban yg ada..kadang2 keputusan yg di bt bkn atas rasional diri yg paling rapat sering menjadi mangse..persoalan nyer,bile kite tau ianyer kesalahan untuk kite memohon maap?? jawapan nyer..bile kite merase kan diri kite juge rase sakit..tiada ape yg buleh di bt lg..sebelum segale usaha tuk memperbaiki keadaan dgn sedaye upaye daya yg masih ader.. hanye ader satu pekare mesti dilakukan..tiada yg lain melain melafazkan kate2 maap dan mengharapkan keadaan menjadi baik..kerana esok Chahaye masih ada.. I’m sorry, I did not mean to hurt my little girl,It's beyond me, I cannot carry the weight of the heavy world,So goodnight, goodnight, goodnight, goodnight,goodnight, hope that things work out all right..Good nite...